Sydney's Blue Mountains Photos, Part I

Blue Mountains is one of Australia’s premier destinations. There is so much to see and a day is not enough to explore many of its tourist attractions. My family and I drove this time  to the Blue Mountains’s Scenic World. It’s about one and a half drive from where we live but it’s about two hours from Sydney’s City Centre by car, bus, or train.
Scenic World – in the World Heritage-listed Blue Mountains of Australia – offers a range of experiences that can be found nowhere else on Earth. First, this Scenic Railway. We were hesitant to ride, but we can’t say “no” to my 5 year old son’s excitement.
This is the Scenic Railway Train. Well-designed to hold passengers for an amazing ride to the steepest inclined railway! A 415 metre descent in a dark, cold, and cliff-side tunnel into ancient rainforest. All you will hear are screams of terrified passengers!
Train descending to it’s destination
Time to go to the Scenic Walkway
Majestic view of the Three Sisters taken from the Train waiting station
Which way would you choose?
The well-preserved Katoomba’s Coal Mine. Look, even the miners were preserved!


Thirsty? You deserve to sit and relax on one of these Miner’s benches.
Fresh Drinking water on its side!
Coal Trucks
Coal Mine entrance
Scenic Walkway offers two kilometres of boardwalk through Blue Mountains’s rainforest.
This is the best part for me. Walking with my wife and son on the thick forest enjoying probably the freshiest air in Sydney, Australia
The Scenic Skyway. It’s fun but it’s a bit crowded.
More Blue Mountains photos to come! Please drop by next time.



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