Chinese Invasion: Australia for Sale?

More Chinese Buying Australian Real Estate

chinese invasion australia for sale

How easy is it for Chinese to get their piece of in Australia? Farms, houses, apartments, vineyards, and other finest piece of assets of Australia. Real estate agents spearheading campaigns in Shanghai, China dealing properties here in Australia. ” There’s better buying at the moment, the market is down” says the real estate agent. Chinese are now buying, and they are buying big. Watch this documentary by Today Tonight, at Channel 7 here in Australia.

Video: More Chinese Buying Australian Real Estate

“Internationally Australia is a laughing stock. We should be selling the milk not the cow, the food not the farm“- Nick Xenophon – Independent Senator for South Australia

“The more people to come in to the country, Australia, the more jobs that are created, the more homes that are built, umm otherwise the market would be even flatter than what it is at the moment” – Chris Bevan – JP Dixon Real Estate

Property market Australia, Foreign investment Australia, Investing in Australia, Chinese Invasion Documentary, Chinese Invasion Today Tonight, Real Estate Australia




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