Thousands of Australians are queuing at Centerlink as a result of the lockdown of non-essential venues like restaurants, pubs, and clubs to mitigate the spread of coronavirus. It’s a difficult scene to watch as the government are pushing for strict social distancing and isolation at home.

There have been heartbreaking scenes across Sydney, as the real economic cost of the Corona Virus pandemic became evident, as crowds queued at Centrelink.
Centrelink Update: The Federal Government Services Minister has issued an emergency statement
Would love to hear from folks a bit older than what the Centrelink/DES queues were like during the GFC and early 90s recession? How do they compare?
— Luke Henriques-Gomes (@lukehgomes) March 23, 2020
Concerning scenes at Centrelink offices across the country ? – this is 2 blocks from the Darlinghurst office . MyGov site has apparently crashed . Hang in there people please remember social distancing, even in queues . .#coronavirus #covid_19 #centrelink #covidstreetphoto
— Mark Dickson (@DeepFieldPhoto) March 23, 2020
Crown Street, Darlinghurst, Sydney
This is the queue to get into Centrelink this morning down Crown street in Darlinghurst. #Coronavid19 #auspol somebody needs to think this through
— Wendy Carlisle (@Wendycarlisle) March 22, 2020
Via a mate. This is the queue for Centrelink in Norwood. The first one is the line on the adjoining street – the office is around the corner!
— Tom Richardson (@TomRichardson) March 22, 2020
The queue for #Centrelink in #Cairns runs right around the block – never seen anything like it. @7NewsCairns #coronavirus
— Matthew Karstunen (@MKarstunen) March 22, 2020
Massive queues at Centrelink offices across Melbourne this morning. This is Cheltenham – 100+ waiting to register to Coronavirus relief payments. Some standing apart, some not.
— Paul Dowsley (@pauldowsley7) March 22, 2020
Dreadful to see long queues of Australians at Centrelink offices around the country, including Southport on the Gold Coast. We need to support each other through this.
— Senator Murray Watt (@MurrayWatt) March 22, 2020
Huge queues at Centrelink around the country. Was reminded of photos of queues for the dole and relief work in the Great Depression.
— rosie scroggie (@rosieanice) March 23, 2020
Tags: Centerlink, Centerlink Australia, Massive Queue Centrelink, Corona Virus Crisis, Corona Virus Pandemic, Breaking News